04-19-2023 - Written by Jett Oxy - Follow on medium 


If you are a newbie in BDSM, hearing the word 'flogging' for the first time might make you wonder why anybody would want to flog an adult in the name of sex.


We put it to you that you've been missing out, but welcome to the kinky community. Flogging is a perfect way to increase sexual stimulation between both BDSM partners. Still confused? Read this article to learn everything you need to know about BDSM flogging from a domme's perspective.

BDSM flogging for Newbies


Flogging is the repetitive beating or whipping of another human. In BDSM, flogging is regarded as a type of impact play. It is usually used as a form of "punishment" and people who know how to find sexual pleasure in pain find it very useful.

Just like every other BDSM activity, safety, safe words, and limitations should be discussed between BDSM partners before flogging happens.


The term flogger may refer to the person administering the beating or punishment. It is  used to describe the instrument being used to flog.


A flogger comes in two parts – handle and tail(s). The handle is made of strong and sturdy material and the tails which refer to the strands attached to the handle can be made from silicone, leather, rope, and even chain. Tails with thicker materials cause a less stingy sensation than the ones with thinner silicone materials.


Newbies in flogging might need a bit of practice to find out what flogger suits and stimulates them the most. Some subs prefer  the softer feel of leather to the sting that rubber tails provide.


Beginners in BDSM might believe flogging is the easiest BDSM activity. But as much as it's not that difficult, it requires plenty of concentration, some practice and experience.


Experienced floggers and BDSM connoisseurs always advise newbies to attend a flogging workshop, watch demos, and practice on a wall or pillow before engaging in the real act.


Check out other tips for beginners who want to engage in BDSM flogging;


  1. Just like all BDSM activities, before flogging, participants must establish consent, expectations, alongside safe-words. Also, preferences of the bottom must be considered. Do they  prefer stinging or thud sensations? How much experience do they have with flogging? Sometimes, novices feel like they have a strong pain threshold until they experience what a good flogging actually feels like. In addition, underlying medical or physical problems should be communicated.

  2. The normal area to flog is the upper back on each side of the spine. Ensure you avoid the spine, especially if the person is skinny. Nobody wants to end up with vertebrae injury and related issues in the name of BDSM. Also, do not flog the back onto the hips or upper butt. This will cause pain, and it's not the pleasurable type.

  3. Avoid unintentional wrapping. This is  when the tips of the tails wrap around a curved part of the body such as the shoulders, torso, butt or legs. On rare occasions a bottom may desire wrapping, but then this should be done by mutual agreement and with care to not overdo it.

  4. Other targets: The butt is very inviting and rewarding to flog. However, because of its smaller size and roundness it requires greater accuracy to avoid excessive wrapping onto the hips or into the especially sensitive inner areas; also avoid hitting the tailbone. Also, the thighs can be flogged but should be done with extra attention to the power in wrapping.

    Female breasts should be flogged lightly especially if they are flogged often. Males can usually safely take more in this area. Stay away from all joints of the legs and arms. Also, the head and neck should never be flogged. Also be aware that there is a big difference in flogging someone in the standing position versus lying down.

  5. Start with softer blows and work your way up gradually to harder ones. This way, the bottom will be able to take more as well as get pleasure out of the session. Similarly, if you have more than one flogger, use the lighter one before going to the heavier one. In addition, varying the pace and alternating heavier blows with softer ones (or using just the tips), can make the difference between a good flogging and a great one.

  6. During a flogging session, the top also needs to be sensitive to the nuances of how the bottom is handling the experience and when to vary the strokes.

  7. Sometimes, a small amount of blood may appear on the skin during flogging. Use a band-aid immediately and wipe the flogger with a dry cloth while wearing a glove. Sun-dry floggers for at least one week to kill viruses such as AIDS and hepatitis viruses before using on a different bottom.


SocietyofJanus on Reddit advices;


Think about what kind of experience you want to create. One based on heavy pain will get adrenaline going, bringing on a flight or fight response. It can be fun to play that way.


Alternatively, a rhythmic, heavy, thuddy flogging will start to bring out endorphins for many people and create a more space headspace. You can mix the two, but you want to be careful you don't completely undo what you are trying to create.




For purposes of safety, especially for the novices, the best and basic area to flog is the upper back away from the spine (it’s important to avoid the spine to prevent any vertebrae/tissue injury). Other areas to flog include the butt, thighs, and breasts but should be done with caution.


The two basic techniques to flogging are single stroke flogging and cyclic flogging. Single stroke flogging involves one single stroke at a time WHILE Cyclic flogging involves a series of strokes that flow into the next stroke and creating a more rhythmic pattern.


If someone trusts you enough to let you flog them, you owe it to him or her to be sensitive and careful. Never forget that flogging is supposed to be sexually gratifying to all parties involved. Good luck and have fun.

Article Written by Jett Oxy for oxy-shop.com. 

Jett is the owner of Oxy-shop.com, a BDSM insider, a sex educator and writer. 

"I always try to explore the confines of the BDSM world and bring valuable insights for new comers joining our adventure" 

Phd in related field, father and business owner, Jett Oxy brings you stories and advices  for educational and entertainment purposes. 

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